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Welcome to CplusMore

The C stands for complements

complements: Something to add to, make better or complete

The best way to describe the purpose of CplusMore is by describing my unique lifestyle.  I try my best to maintain it in a healthy way. To maintain something is to preserve it and keep it efficient to avoid decline or even failure. It also involves sustaining it against opposition and increase danger, although some things are out of our control. With that being said, I can now explain where the concept of CplusMore came from.

First of all, when it comes to hobbies, I have none and don’t need any. I only do things that I enjoy doing including helping people. So, this means that if I’m not passionate about it, then I must not be interested in it. Either I enjoy doing it even if it’s hard work or I’ll just avoid it completely. And that’s where it all began. This happen during a time in my life when I was going through a mental healing process. I was thinking about things that I was really into doing and wanted to start doing. I also included things that were just negative distractions. I detoxed myself of the distractions and fully focused on the beneficial interest. At the same time, I was mentally drained from corporate America and knew that I needed to get out of it sooner or later, I just didn’t know where to begin. So, I begin by just writing everything down. Everything! Instead of thinking, reading, and talking, I wrote. I went through multiple tablets handwriting content on a variety of things I’m involved and interested in. I was documenting my life on paper as detail as possible. What I emphasized was the activities that provided me with a calm feeling during my mental healing process. I soon realized that these activities were outlets to release negativity. They weren’t performed to recreate but to re-create.


Then something strange happened. For the first time, I decided to reread everything that I wrote down. Understand, I’ve wrote poetry and my thoughts in a form of a rant on paper before, but I never reread them. But when I reread my lifestyle content, I noticed similarities involving all my personal interest. They all started with the letter “C.”  There were pages of content of my personal activities and interest such as Calisthenics, cardio, cycling, cultures, cooking, catnaps, colors, crossbows, cleanliness, canoeing, cannabis, chiropractic care, cruising cross country, companionship. I asked myself, what made me interested in “Crypto Currency?” Why do I like wearing “compression clothes” while performing physical conditioning? Why did I choose to travel to “Costa Rica and Colombia” when I first got my Passport? And I fell in love with “Cebu City” in the Philippines and interested in moving to “Cuenca” Ecuador.  With all the discoveries and writing I also realized that I was “creating content” and I was enjoying it.



But like I share with you in the beginning, I have no hobbies. This is all part of my lifestyle. Everything I’m interested in is a natural form of medicine for me while mentally healing and re-creating myself. So, in the process, I created CplusMore. CplusMore promotes Natural Alternatives that Complements Mental Healing. I’ve lived it and can talk about mental healing. Through a variety of personal articles based on my own experiences, I discuss the benefits of having outlets that complements your own mental healing process. We all need assistance from time to time, and hopefully CplusMore can assist you. Stay mentally healthy my friends!

My Services


Freelance Writer




Content Creator


Mental Healing Wellness Coach

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Phone: (510)228-6261